
ArtInstituteofChicagoannouncessummerexhibition,VanGoghandtheAvant-Garde...Duringanintenselycreativeperiodbetween1882and1890,VincentvanGogh ...,TheInstitutewasfoundedasbothamuseumandschoolforthefineartsin1879.YouhavetowonderifvanGogheverguessedhe'denduphere?,2023年5月13日—Theshow,curatedbyBregjeGerritse(VanGoghMuseum)andJacquelynCoutré(ArtInstituteofChicago),includes24VanGoghpaintingsandfive .....

Art Institute of Chicago announces summer exhibition, Van ...

Art Institute of Chicago announces summer exhibition, Van Gogh and the Avant-Garde ... During an intensely creative period between 1882 and 1890, Vincent van Gogh ...

Can You Find Van Gogh in the Chicago Institute?

The Institute was founded as both a museum and school for the fine arts in 1879. You have to wonder if van Gogh ever guessed he'd end up here?

Inspired by the Seine

2023年5月13日 — The show, curated by Bregje Gerritse (Van Gogh Museum) and Jacquelyn Coutré (Art Institute of Chicago), includes 24 Van Gogh paintings and five ...

Van Gogh and the Avant

This iconic event is one of the most ethnically unique outdoor events in Chicago and the Midwest. Attracting more than 40,000 people from throughout the region.

Van Gogh and the Avant-Garde

2023年9月4日 — Van Gogh and the Avant-Garde: The Modern Landscape is organized by the Art Institute of Chicago and the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. This ...

Van Gogh stars in tightly focused exhibitions in Chicago ...

2023年6月1日 — America's two greatest museums — the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Art Institute of Chicago — have mounted major van Gogh shows this spring ...

Vincent van Gogh

The Art Institute of Chicago has celebrated van Gogh's path-breaking work in the exhibitions Van Gogh and Gauguin: The Studio of the South (2001–2002) and Van ...